Scientia Agricola
Oxisol subsurface chemical attributes related to sugarcane productivity
Mauro Alexandre Xavier1  Marcos Guimarães de Andrade Landell1  Hélio do Prado1  Marcelo de Almeida Silva1  Antônio Carlos Machado de Vasconcelos1  Márcio Aurélio Pitta Bidoia1  Raffaella Rossetto1  Dilermando Perecin2 
[1] Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios;Universidade Estadual Paulista;
关键词: yield;    soils;    linear models;    chemical analysis;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In spite of the great homogeneity found in the morphological characteristics of Oxisols, there is great chemical diversity in subsurface layers of these soils. Studies indicate that crop yield presents significant correlation with the chemical attributes of the subsurface, which, are more stable than attributes found in the plough layer, subject to greater alterations as a consequence of agricultural exploration. This work evaluated the effects of subsurface chemical attributes of Oxisols of the South Central region of Brazil, on the yield of sugarcane clones and of variety RB72454, during the first, second and third cropping cycles. Productivity data were obtained between 1993 and 1998. Soils were characterized in terms of their mechanical analysis and chemical traits at 0.8 to 1.0 m; correlation studies between these attributes and mean daily productivity as well as multiple regression analysis were also carried out; variables were selected based on their R² values by means of the stepwise procedure. The subsurface chemical traits of the Oxisols influenced sugarcane productivity, especially the 3rd harvest; the clone productivity model for the 3rd harvest as a function of base saturation and phosphorus content presented R² = 0.31, i.e., 31% of the variation in sugarcane yield (t ha-1 day-1) can be explained by these two attributes. For variety RB72454, 47% of that variation is explained by the sum of bases and contents of calcium and organic matter. Variations on productivity at 1st and 2nd harvests can be better explained by pHwater.

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