Strides in Development of Medical Education
An Assessment of the Effect of Recitation of the Quran on Exam Anxiety in Nursing and Emergency Medicine Students
Mohammad Heidari1  Sara Shahbazi1 
[1] M.Sc. in Nursing, Lecturer, Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran;
关键词: quran recitation;    anxiety;    exam;    student;    nursing;    emergency medicine;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Background & Objective: Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension caused by the feeling of being at risk and can affect the performance of an individual Today exam anxiety is increasingly observed among educated people and this situation causes a loss of concentration Faith increases confidence and patience and strength to deal with problems The aim of this study was to assess the effect of recitation of the Quran on exam anxiety in nursing and emergency medicine students   Methods: This was a quasiexperimental study performed on nursing and emergency medicine students of Borujen School of Medical Emergency Nursing Iran The purposive sampling method was used in the present study and all students participated in this study The courses presented during one semester for each field of study were randomly divided into two groups An audio of Maryam Surah verses 1 to 26 were played for one group before the midterm exams and the other group before the end of term exams for 5 minutes Data collection was performed using a demographic questionnaire and Spielbergers StateTrait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) before all exams Data analysis was performed using descriptive and analytic statistics (such as independent ttest and paired ttest) in SPSS software   Results: The results of this study showed that the mean levels of apparent anxiety in nursing students during exams without Quran recitation was 4873 ± 1352 and during exams with Quran recitation was 4472 ± 1526 The average level of hidden anxiety during exams without Quran recitation was 4333 ± 961 and in exams with Quran recitation was 4136 ± 1199 A statistically significant difference was observed among these averages (P < 005) The mean levels of apparent anxiety in emergency medicine students during exams without Quran recitation was 41 ± 1298 and during exams with Quran recitation was 3911 ± 1182 The average level of hidden anxiety during exams without Quran recitation was 4133 ± 878 and during exams with Quran recitation was 3846 ± 1101 A statistically significant difference was observed among these averages (P < 005)   Conclusion: The results showed that the sound of the Quran before exams can reduce students anxiety levels Therefore it is recommended that managers and policy makers consider the results of this study and play audios of the Quran before exams in order to reduce stress but also take steps to promote familiarity with the Quran

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