A Study on N2O Measurement Characteristics Using Photoacoustic Spectroscopy (PAS)
Chang-Sang Cho1  Soyoung Kang1  Seoungjin Kim1  Jeongwoo Lee1  Seongmin Kang1  Eui-Chan Jeon2  Jea-Hwan Sa3 
[1] Cooperate Course for Climate Change, Sejong University, Seoul 143-747, Korea;Department of Environment & Energy, Sejong University, Seoul 143-747, Korea;Environment & Energy Institute, Sejong University, Seoul 143-747, Korea;
关键词: greenhouse gas;    nitrous oxide;    photoacoustic spectroscopy;    gas chromatography;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s140814399
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

N2O, which is emitted mainly from nitrogen decomposition via bacteria, livestock manure, agricultural fertilizer use, fossil fuel combustion and waste incineration, is classified as a substance that causes significant destruction of the ozone layer. The N2O measurement methods for these emission sources may be divided into chromatography, optical, and electrical current measurements. Chromatography has been widely utilized for analyzing N2O. However, up until now, few studies have been conducted on N2O using photoacoustic spectroscopy. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate performance of photoacoustic spectroscopy in this regard based on laboratory and field test results. The repeatability of photoacoustic spectroscopy was measured at 1.12%, which is lower than the repeatability of 3.0% suggested by the ISO 1564 standard, so, it has shown an excellent repeatability. The detection limit was determined to be 0.025 ppm, and the response time was confirmed to be 3 min and 26 s. The results of comparison between these measurements and GC show that the latter has superior accuracy, but mobility and convenience are superior for PAS. On the contrary, GC has a continuous measurement limitation, but PAS makes it possible to conduct continuous measurements. Therefore, PAS can be extremely useful to confirm the characteristics of N2O emissions and to quantify their amount.

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