Igra Ustvarjalnosti
Changing Settlement Patterns in Areas of Autochtonous Dispersed Settlement
Andreja Troha1 
[1] University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia ;
关键词: urbanisation;    suburbanisation;    dispersed building;    dispersed settlement;    dispersed urbanisation;    indicators;   
DOI  :  10.15292/IU-CG.2017.05.076-088
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Dispersed settlement is understood as an autochthonous characteristic of certain areas, which in the past, along with securing livelihood of the population, contributed to the establishment and preservation of the cultural landscape, while dispersed building is understood as a negative phenomenon in space. The latter basically means the deterioration of the cultural landscape, particularly tied to suburbanisation and related social costs, which are a consequence of traffic growth and the related maintenance and building of infrastructure. In urban or urbanised areas, the occurrence of both forms of settlement is much easier to observe and identify, both using mathematical methods or applying individual indicators. However, in areas with a prevalence of the dispersed settlement pattern it is difficult to quantitively or qualitatively evaluate these definitions. Using various approaches (both substantive and mathematical) to evaluating the individual characteristics of space we wanted to draw a divided between dispersed settlement and dispersed building.

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