International Journal Bioautomation
Gamma Variate Analysis of Insulin Kinetics in Type 2 Diabetes
关键词: Type 2 diabetes mellitus;    Glucose clamps;    C-peptide;    Insulin;    Gamma-variate;    Coefficient of determination;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The purpose of this paper is to offer a mathematically simple and theoretical based alternative model to existing techniques for the estimation of beta cell secretion of peptides. This is achieved by applying gamma variate analysis rather than cubic spline fitting techniques to measured insulin and glucose levels. The resulting fits between experimental and theoretical data are excellent. Cubic spline fitting methods can also give excellent results, though to some extent this is an artefact of these methods, which by their very nature give smooth fitting to experimental or plotted points. Unfortunately, spline fitting is very sensitive to the choice of knot points, the interval of measurement, and the accuracy of initial estimates of the parameters.
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