International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies
Perceptions of Pre-service Teachers Regarding Entrepreneurship Education: A Metaphoric Study
关键词: metaphor;    entrepreneurship;    entrepreneurial skill;    entrepreneurship education;    skill;    value;   
DOI  :  10.52380/ijpes.2021.8.2.315
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Without being aware of it, metaphorical concepts reveal their expressions word for word in our social life. It is the expression of thoughts using concrete and abstract concepts. The aim of this study is to reveal the mental perceptions of teacher candidates about entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurshipskillsbyusingmetaphors.Theparticipantsofthestudyareteachercandidates studying in ten different branches at the Faculty of Education in Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University inthe2019-2020academicyear.Intheresearch,asadatacollectiontool,aformthatincludesthe expression "Entrepreneurship education / entrepreneurship skill...... because......" was used to identify metaphors for entrepreneurship education. The data obtained from the data collection tool were analyzedusing qualitativedata analysistechniques. Content analysis andmetaphor analysis were used in the analysis of the data. According to the findings obtained from the study, pre-service teachersproducedatotalof100metaphorsforentrepreneurshipeducationandentrepreneurship skills.Thesemetaphorsareevaluatedinthreecategories:1-Theoreticalframeworkofentrepreneurship education, 2-Values ofentrepreneurship education, 3-Sub-skills of entrepreneurship education. These conceptual categories were examined according to the pre-service teachers'branchesandthedataobtainedwereevaluatedunderthreemaincategoriesandunder thirty-five titles. According to the results of the research, the perceptions of pre-service teachers about entrepreneurship education and gaining entrepreneurship skills are generally positive.

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