Changes in Blood Pressure and Lipid Levels in Young Women Consuming a Vitamin D-Fortified Skimmed Milk:A Randomised Controlled Trial
Ione Wright1  Ruth Blanco-Rojo1  M. Pilar Vaquero1  Laura Toxqui1  Ana M. Pérez-Granados1 
[1] Department of Metabolism and Nutrition, Institute of Food Science,Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC),C/José Antonio Novais 10, 28040 Madrid, Spain;
关键词: vitamin D;    food fortification;    blood pressure;    cholesterol;    randomised controlled trial;    women;    dairy product;   
DOI  :  10.3390/nu5124966
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Vitamin D exerts a variety of extra-skeletal functions. Aim: to know the effects of the consumption of a vitamin D-fortified skimmed milk on glucose, lipid profile, and blood pressure in young women. Methods: a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind parallel-group trial of 16 weeks duration was conducted in young women with low iron stores who consumed a skimmed milk fortified with iron and 200 IU/day (5 μg) of vitamin D (D-fortified group, n = 55), or a placebo without vitamin D (D-placebo group, n = 54).A reference group (n = 56) of iron-sufficient women was also recruited. Results: baseline serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D was inversely correlated with total-cholesterol (r = −0.176,p = 0.023) and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-chol) (r = −0.176, p = 0.024). During the assay, LDL-cholesterol increased in the D-placebo group (p = 0.005) while it tended to decrease in the D-fortified group (p = 0.07). Neither group displayed changes in total-cholesterol, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-chol), triglycerides or glucose levels. Systolic (p = 0.017) and diastolic (p = 0.010) blood pressure decreased during the assay in the D-fortified group without significant differences compared to the D-placebo. Conclusion: consumption of a dairy product fortified with vitamin D reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure but does not change lipid levels in young women.

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