Authoritative Parenting Style and Proactive Behaviors: Evidence from China?
Qiao Yan1  Ting Nie1  Yan Chen1 
[1]School of Business, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau 999078, China
关键词: authoritative parenting style;    self-esteem;    growth mindset;    proactive behavior;    college students;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su14063435
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Parenting style plays an important role in children’s development. This study examines the influence mechanism of authoritative parenting style on individuals’ proactive behavior. We propose a chain mediation model for the linkage between authoritative parenting style and proactive behavior through self-esteem and growth mindset. Based on a survey of 388 undergraduate students in coastal areas of China, we find a significant positive impact of authoritative parenting style on college students’ proactive behavior. In addition, our study provides evidence of a chain mediation effect on the relation among authoritative parenting style, self-esteem, growth mindset, and proactive behavior. Our results suggest that under authoritative parenting, individuals can stimulate more proactive behaviors by improving their self-esteem and developing their growth mindset.
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