Materials & Design
Nanofibre toughening of dissimilar interfaces in composites
Karen De Clerck1  Elisa Van Verre2  Wim Van Paepegem2  Lode Daelemans2  Timo Meireman2 
[1] Corresponding author.;Department of Materials, Textiles and Chemical Engineering (MaTCh), Ghent University, Technologiepark 70A, Zwijnaarde B-9052, Belgium;
关键词: Nanocomposites;    Matrix cracking;    Interface debonding;    Nanofibre bridging;    Electrospinning;    Hybrid composite;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Fibre reinforced composite laminates are key engineering materials allowing to design lightweight components with high mechanical properties. Yet they are prone to delamination between the reinforcing plies, which in turn limits the damage resistance of many applications. This is especially true for the interfaces between dissimilar reinforcing plies that are often encountered in actual components, e.g. differences in fibre orientation, fibre material or ply architecture, where high interlaminar stresses can occur. Nanofibrous toughening veils are known to increase the damage resistance when inserted between similar reinforcing plies, but it is currently unknown how they perform when delamination occurs at dissimilar interfaces. Here, the nanofibre toughening of frequently encountered dissimilar interfaces such as occurring between multidirectionally stacked unidirectional fibre plies (+45°/−45°), multistructural stackings (unidirectional versus fabrics) and multimaterial configurations (glass fibres versus carbon fibres) are analysed. These interfaces largely exert their influence on the crack path during delamination and thus alter the effectiveness of nanofibre toughening. Poly(ether-block-amide) nanofibres of the biosourced polyamide 11 family result in a large increase in mode I and mode II interlaminar fracture toughness for all the tested dissimilar interfaces. We show that their effectiveness however depends on the underlying delamination mechanics present in different dissimilar interfaces.

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