Single-Cell and Single-Nucleus RNAseq Analysis of Adult Neurogenesis
Diane Lagace1  Alena Kalinina1 
[1]Neuroscience Program, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Brain and Mind Research Institute, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1H 8M5, Canada
关键词: adult neurogenesis;    single-cell/single-nucleus RNA sequencing;    single-nucleus;    subventricular zone;    dentate gyrus;    hypothalamus;   
DOI  :  10.3390/cells11101633
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The complexity of adult neurogenesis is becoming increasingly apparent as we learn more about cellular heterogeneity and diversity of the neurogenic lineages and stem cell niches within the adult brain. This complexity has been unraveled in part due to single-cell and single-nucleus RNA sequencing (sc-RNAseq and sn-RNAseq) studies that have focused on adult neurogenesis. This review summarizes 33 published studies in the field of adult neurogenesis that have used sc- or sn-RNAseq methods to answer questions about the three main regions that host adult neural stem cells (NSCs): the subventricular zone (SVZ), the dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus, and the hypothalamus. The review explores the similarities and differences in methodology between these studies and provides an overview of how these studies have advanced the field and expanded possibilities for the future.
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