Journal of High Energy Physics
Measurement of the charge asymmetry for the KS → πeν decay and test of CPT symmetry with the KLOE detector
P. A. Lukin1  E. P. Solodov1  E. A. Kozyrev1  V. L. Ivanov1  A. Kupsć2  M. Wolke2  T. Johansson2  B. Cao2  M. Schioppa3  G. D’Agostini4  A. Di Domenico4  P. Gauzzi4  G. Mandaglio5  A. Anastasi6  G. Fantini7  G. Venanzoni8  N. Raha9  A. Fantini9  D. Moricciani9  R. Messi9  V. De Leo9  A. Passeri1,10  A. Selce1,10  L. Tortora1,10  F. Ceradini1,10  A. Budano1,10  E. Graziani1,10  A. Di Cicco1,10  S. Loffredo1,10  P. Branchini1,10  S. Fiore1,11  V. Patera1,11  P. Moskal1,12  A. Gajos1,12  E. Czerwinski1,12  M. Silarski1,12  D. Kisielewska-Kaminska1,12  F. Curciarello1,13  E. De Lucia1,13  F. Sirghi1,13  A. D’Uffizi1,13  E. Danè1,13  D. Domenici1,13  D. Babusci1,13  E. Perez del Rio1,13  P. Fermani1,13  S. Giovannella1,13  P. De Simone1,13  S. Miscetti1,13  F. Bossi1,13  C. Bloise1,13  A. De Santis1,13  X. Kang1,13  G. Capon1,13  P. Ciambrone1,13  M. Martini1,13  P. Santangelo1,13  M. Berlowski1,13  W. Wislicki1,14  W. Krzemien1,14 
[1] Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics;Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University;Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Università della Calabria;Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Università “Sapienza”;Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Biologiche, Farmaceutiche ed Ambientali dell’Università di Messina;Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche e Informatiche, Scienze Fisiche e Scienze della Terra dell’Università di Messina;Gran Sasso Science Institute;INFN Sezione di Pisa;INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata;INFN Sezione di Roma Tre;INFN Sezione di Roma;Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University;Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN;National Centre for Nuclear Research;
关键词: CP violation;    e+-e- Experiments;    Flavor physics;   
DOI  :  10.1007/JHEP09(2018)021
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Using 1.63 fb−1 of integrated luminosity collected by the KLOE experiment about 7 × 104 K S → π ± e ∓ ν decays have been reconstructed. The measured value of the charge asymmetry for this decay is A S = (−4.9 ± 5.7stat ± 2.6syst) × 10−3, which is almost twice more precise than the previous KLOE result. The combination of these two measurements gives A S = (−3.8 ± 5.0stat ± 2.6syst) × 10−3 and, together with the asymmetry of the K L semileptonic decay, provides significant tests of the CPT symmetry. The obtained results are in agreement with CPT invariance.

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