Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care
Wireless capsule endo bronchoscopy
Till S1  Baratz DM1 
[1]Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ
关键词: bronchoscopy;    foreign body removal;    wireless capsule;    aspiration;    thoracic CT scan;    chest radiography;    chest x-ray;    complication;   
DOI  :  10.13175/swjpcc014-14
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
No abstract available. Article truncated at 150 words. Case Presentation History of Present Illness A 67 year-old man presents 10 days after swallowing a capsule endoscopy camera that was never retrieved.The wireless capsule was swallowed asymptomatically for evaluation of heme positive stools after negative upper and lower endoscopies. Patient noted that the evening after swallowing the camera he developed mild shortness of breath and cough. The cough and shortness of breath were persistent and worsened while lying down and when moving positions. He denied prior issues with swallowing or aspiration. Review of Systems Negative other than what is noted above. PMH, SH, and FH Past medical history: coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, hyperlipidemia Surgical history: femoral-popliteal bypass, previous shoulder and back surgery Social history: 1 pack/day of cigarettes for 50 years, prior alcohol usage but not current, no illicit drugs Family history: no pulmonary diseases Physical Exam Vital signs: temperature 36.7º C, heart rate 86 beats per minute ...
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