L'Ordinaire des Amériques
Le « droit à l’espace public » et la durabilité sociale à Los Angeles
关键词: Los Angeles;    neoliberalism;    LANI;    urban resistance;    right to the city;    right to public space;   
DOI  :  10.4000/orda.6692
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

What are the tools available to fight against the neoliberal conception of cities? This article questions the way the right to access public space is theorized in the early 21st century and the initiatives trying to concretely implement it. Of the utmost importance is the need to take into account the uses of urban spaces by all social groups, and not just the dominating upper classes. Numerous types of urban resistance have developed and this article will show how regular people offer alternative solutions and counter-models. Even though their impact is minimal compared to the influence of the private sector over Californian streets, these activists embody a new way to occupy urban spaces in order to promote a more peaceful coexistence in the city.Based on empirical and interdisciplinary research, this article will study the social impact of pioneering anti-car initiatives as well as organizations like LANI in Los Angeles which work with poor populations in order to attain more social sustainability and urban democracy within public spaces.

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