Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
An integrated community based approach in undergraduate medical teaching of maternal and child health--an experiment.
关键词: Child Health Services;    Child;    Preschool;    Clinical Clerkship;    Curriculum;    Education;    Medical;    Undergraduate;    methods;    Female;    Human;    India;    Infant;    Infant;    Newborn;    Maternal Health Services;    Pregnancy;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The batch of 147 undergraduate medical students (Group I) were trained in maternal and child health (MCH) by allotting them families study wherein either pregnant lady or a new born child was present. The students were made to follow up these mothers and their children for three years on periodic basis by paying home visits and motivating the mothers to attend under five clinic in the community. The students educated the mother regarding child rearing with the help of medical teacher. Another batch of 140 undergraduate medical students (Group II) who did not undergo such community based training but only didactic lectures in MCH were studied as control. The knowledge and attitudes of students in both the groups were tested and compared and significantly higher knowledge and favourable attitude were found in Group I. The attendance of patients of Group I in under five clinics was compared with other children who were not adopted by medical students. The comparison was made between their weight gain, immunizational status and episodes of illness. The beneficiaries in students families had better, attendance and immunizational coverage, more weight gain and less episodes of illness. The difference was found to be statistically significant.
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