Indian Journal of Ophthalmology
Elimination of avoidable blindness due to cataract: Where do we prioritize and how should we monitor this decade?
关键词: Diabetes-related blindness;    diabetic retinopathy;    key informant;    rapid assessment of avoidable blindness;    retinopathy of prematurity;    tele-ophthalmology;    Blindness;    disability;    equity;    health economics;    health policy;    health and development;    social exclusion;    Community eye health;    prevention of blindness;    ophthalmogical residency;    VISION 2020;    Visual impairment;    blindness;    inequality;    social class;    income;    educational status;    gender and ethnic groups;    Advocacy;    effective service delivery;    enabling environment;    stakeholders;    resources;    Avoidable blindness and visual impairment;    impact;    scaling up;    VISION 2020;    Global blindness;    prevalence;    visual impairment;    visual acuity;    Comprehensive eye care;    eye care model;    pyramidal model;    Comprehensive eye care;    optometrist;    optometry regulation;    eye health;    India;    Economics;    blindness;    visual impairment;    market;    government;    cost;    Millennium development goals;    eye health;    Vision 2020 the Right to Sight;    Blindness;    eye care services;    planning rapid assessment methods;    visual impairment;    Avoidable blindness;    cataract surgical rate;    corneal blindness;    eye care services;    Compliance;    diabetic retinopathy;    services;    Human resource development;    service delivery;    social entrepreneurship;    uncorrected refractive error;    Blindness;    cataract extraction;    cataract;    coverage;    data aggregation;    population;    prevalence;    visual impairment;   
DOI  :  10.4103/0301-4738.100545
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Background: In the final push toward the elimination of avoidable blindness, cataract occupies a position of eminence for the success of the Right to Sight initiative. Aims: Review existing situation and assess what monitoring indicators may be useful to chart progress towards attaining the goals of Vision 2020. Settings and Design: Review of published papers from low and middle income countries since 2000. Materials and Methods: Published population-based data on prevalence of cataract blindness/visual impairment were accessed and prevalence of cataract blindness/visual impairment computed, where not reported. Data on prevalence of cataract blindness, cataract surgical coverage at different visual acuity cut offs, surgical outcomes, and prevalence of cataract surgery were analyzed. Scatter plots were used to look at relationships of some variables, with Human Development Index (HDI) rank. Available data on Cataract Surgical Rate (CSR) was plotted against prevalence of cataract surgery reported from surveys. Results: Worse HDI Ranks were associated with higher prevalence of cataract blindness. Most studies showed that a significant proportion of the blind were covered by surgery, while a fifth showed that a significant proportion, were operated before they went blind. A good visual outcome after surgery was positively correlated with higher surgical coverage. CSR was positively correlated with cataract surgical coverage. Conclusions: Cataract surgical coverage is increasing in most countries at vision <3/60 and visual outcomes after cataract surgery are improving. Establishing population-based surveillance of cataract surgical need and performance is a strong monitoring tool and will help program planners immensely.
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