Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro
Analisis Pengaruh Akibat Korona terhadap Rugi-Rugi Daya Saluran Udara Tegangan Tinggi 150 kV
Novi Kurniasih1  Dewi Purnama Sari1 
[1] Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Andalas;
关键词: 150 kV High Voltage Transmission;    Corona;    Conductor Wire;    Power Losses;    Substation;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

At high voltage overhead lines 150 kV, problem of corona represent a problem which have to be reckoned. Corona marked with incidence of light which is young violet chromatic around surface of conductor strand accompanied by ear fizz and smell ozone. This corona phenomenon cause the existence of power loss at transmission line. Lossy of power effect of the corona can influence by: wide of penampang of conductor strand, distance between conductor strand, condition of surface of conductor strand and wheater condition. To reduce power loss effect of corona, can be done by enlarging distance between conductor strand, enlarging wide of penampang of conductor strand and transposisi transmission network. Become given the existence of corona power loss, can be obtained by how much lossy percentage of power effect of corona that happened at lines of G.I. Lubuk Alung - G.I. P.I.P - G.I. Pauh Limo. Pursuant to result of calculation per month, lines of G.I. Lubuk Alung - G.I. P.I.P. yielding corona power loss equal to 21877,0200 kW (2,9389 %). At lines between G.I. Pauh Limo - G.I. P.I.P. yielding corona power loss equal to 45146,2680 kW (5,0059 %) while lines of G.I. Pauh Limo - G.I. Lubuk Alung yield corona power loss equal to 67023,2880 kW (4,0712 %).

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