Evaluating Green Strategies for the Reduction of Climate-Altering Gas Emissions Using LCA
Federico Orsini1  Paola Marrone1 
[1] Department of Architecture, University of Roma Tre, Rome 00184, Italy;
关键词: low carbon;    LCA;    technology innovation;    outdoor pavement;   
DOI  :  10.3390/proceedings2151151
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

According to the previsions of Paris Agreement 2015, several Green Strategies (GS) can be implemented to control and reduce the GHG emissions due to the building sector and construction industries. The paper presents the first results of a research in progress that aims to evaluate the capability of GS in GHG reduction into the construction industries. In particular, the work, based on LCA methodology, compares different GS applied for the production of a concrete self-locking blocks for outdoor pavement (COP) and underlines the general capability in reducing the GHG emission of the green strategies applied.

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