Bìznes Inform
The Theoretical and Methodological Bases of the Inclusive Development of National Economy
Hutorov Andrii O.1 
[1] Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Organization of Management, Public Administration and Administration, National Science Centre «Institute of Agrarian Economics» ;
关键词: inclusive development;    inclusive growth;    inclusive institutions;    inclusiveness;    national economy;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article is aimed at generalizing and systematizing the theoretical and methodological bases of the inclusive development of national economy. It has been confirmed that the neo-liberal globalization is ineffective and, together with the principle of non-intervention in the economic mechanism, leads to a slowdown in economic growth, furthers a significant depletion of natural resources and contributes to poverty, especially in rural areas. It is determined that the inclusive development encompasses the processes of economic growth and development, inclusiveness as a system of inclusions, takes attention of the anthropogenic load on ecosystem, as well as the relational nature of the socio-economic transformations. It is displayed that, at the methodological level, the inclusive development is based on the principles of economic growth in the long term, perfect competition, non-discrimination, general participation of all members of society in public life, justice, sustainable development and stability. The inclusive growth is based on the concepts of sustainable development of the knowledge economy, humancentrism, neo-industrialization, «green» economy, and neo-ruralism.

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