Nanoscale Research Letters
Enable a Facile Size Re-distribution of MBE-Grown Ga-Droplets via In Situ Pulsed Laser Shooting
Wei Zhang1  Xinning Yang2  Changwei Deng2  Biao Geng2  Linyun Yang2  Zhenwu Shi2  Lili Miao2  Chen Chen2  Changsi Peng2 
[1] AVIC Huadong Photo-electronics Co., Ltd;School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering and Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, Soochow University;
关键词: Ga-droplet;    In-situ pulsed laser;    Thermal expansion;    Thermal evaporation;    Molecular beam epitaxy;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s11671-021-03583-2
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract A MBE-prepared Gallium (Ga)-droplet surface on GaAs (001) substrate is in situ irradiated by a single shot of UV pulsed laser. It demonstrates that laser shooting can facilely re-adjust the size of Ga-droplet and a special Ga-droplet of extremely broad size-distribution with width from 16 to 230 nm and height from 1 to 42 nm are successfully obtained. Due to the energetic inhomogeneity across the laser spot, the modification of droplet as a function of irradiation intensity (IRIT) can be straightly investigated on one sample and the correlated mechanisms are clarified. Systematically, the laser resizing can be perceived as: for low irradiation level, laser heating only expands droplets to make mergences among them, so in this stage, the droplet size distribution is solely shifted to the large side; for high irradiation level, laser irradiation not only causes thermal expansion but also thermal evaporation of Ga atom which makes the size-shift move to both sides. All of these size-shifts on Ga-droplets can be strongly controlled by applying different laser IRIT that enables a more designable droplet epitaxy in the future.

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