Cracow Indological Studies
Re-Presenting the Past in the Hindi Novel: The Darkness in Bhīṣma Sāhnī’s Tamas
[1] Harvard University;
关键词: Hindi fiction;    literary novel;    history;    Partition;    secularism;    communalism in South Asia;   
DOI  :  10.12797/CIS.23.2021.02.02
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

While the modern literary novel in Hindi has traditionally grappled with contemporary issues impacting society in north India, Bhīṣma Sāhnī’s famous novel Tamas (“Darkness”) may be considered a unique endavour to revisit the horrific events that marked the transfer of power and partition of British India in 1947. This article represents a preliminary attempt to consider the emergence of a work of literary fiction in Hindi approximately 25 years after the events on which it is based.

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