EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Text feature extraction based on deep learning: a review
Yuan Gao1  Yunlei Sun1  Xiao Sun1  Hong Liang1 
[1] College of Computer and Communication Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China);
关键词: Deep learning;    Feature extraction;    Text characteristic;    Natural language processing;    Text mining;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s13638-017-0993-1
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Selection of text feature item is a basic and important matter for text mining and information retrieval. Traditional methods of feature extraction require handcrafted features. To hand-design, an effective feature is a lengthy process, but aiming at new applications, deep learning enables to acquire new effective feature representation from training data. As a new feature extraction method, deep learning has made achievements in text mining. The major difference between deep learning and conventional methods is that deep learning automatically learns features from big data, instead of adopting handcrafted features, which mainly depends on priori knowledge of designers and is highly impossible to take the advantage of big data. Deep learning can automatically learn feature representation from big data, including millions of parameters. This thesis outlines the common methods used in text feature extraction first, and then expands frequently used deep learning methods in text feature extraction and its applications, and forecasts the application of deep learning in feature extraction.

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