KONA Powder and Particle Journal
Flow Pattern in Hydrocyclones
Fernando Concha Arcil1 
[1] Department of Metallurgical Engineering, University ofConcepción;
关键词: hydrocyclone;    modeling;    cyclone;    flow pattern;    fluid dynamics;   
DOI  :  10.14356/kona.2007011
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents a review of the flow pattern in hydrocyclones from a fluiddynamics perspective. Measurements attempt to establish the velocity andpressure distribution inside the equipment. With the experimental values of thevelocity distributions, mass and linear momentum equations were solved usingdifferent approximations. The review starts with discussion of the principalexperimental measurements in hydrocyclones and continues obtaining theoreticalsolutions to the equations with the simplest inviscid approach combining a freevortex with a sink, with rotational inviscid models, with models based on theexact solution of the Reynolds equation for highly idealized conditions and endswith solutions using different mathematical techniques such as asymptoticexpansions, similarity solutions and boundary layer flows. When developments ofthe models can be found in the original papers they were not reproduced here,but in some cases they were include to relate them to a given fluid dynamicsolution type.

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