Computer Science Journal of Moldova
Fuzzy Sets-based Control Rules for Terminating Algorithms
[1]Depto. de Ciencias de la ComputacioneInteligencia Artificial.Universidad de Granada. 18071 Granada, SPAIN
[2]Depto. de Matematicas.Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Trujillo, PERU
关键词: Decision Support System;    Fuzzy Rules;    Travelling Salesman Problem;    Algorithm;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In this paper some problems arising in the interface between two different areas, Decision Support Systems and Fuzzy Sets and Systems, are considered. The Model-Base Management System of a Decision Support System which involves some fuzziness is considered, and in that context the questions on the management of the fuzziness in some optimisation models, and then of using fuzzy rules for terminating conventional algorithms are presented, discussed and analyzed. Finally, for the concrete case of the Travelling Salesman Problem, and as an illustration of determination, management and using the fuzzy rules, a new algorithm easy to implement in the Model-Base Management System of any oriented Decision Support System is shown.
【 授权许可】


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