Detection in influx sources and estimation of microplastics abundance in surface waters of Rawal Lake, Pakistan
Imran Hashmi1  Atif Bashir2 
[1]Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan
[2]Corresponding author.
关键词: Microplastics;    Rawal Lake;    Plastic pollution;    Freshwater;    Influx sources;    Surface waters;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The ever-growing production, usage and poor waste management practices of plastics are causing microplastics intrusion in freshwater environments all over the world. The identification of inflow processes and sources is equally important as the assessment of microplastic concentrations in freshwater. This study reports microplastic presence in the influx sources and provides an overall estimation of microplastic concentration in the surface water of a freshwater reservoir, Rawal Lake, Islamabad. In the current study, six major tributaries of Rawal lake were assessed for microplastic presence, out of which four tributaries showed microplastic contamination. Microplastics concentration in the lake ranged from 6.4 ± 0.5 particles/m³ to 8.8 ± 0.5 particles/m³. All the identified microplastics in tributaries and lake were secondary except granules. The prominent shape of microplastics among the studied waters was film, with transparent being the most frequent plastic-type according to color. Polyethylene (LDPE and HDPE) were the dominant type of microplastics found in the lake and the tributaries. More than 72% of microplastics had a size of 0.3–0.1 mm. This study provides a better understanding of the extent of microplastic pollution assessment in a freshwater lake with equal emphasis on microplastic presence in influx sources and the relationship of microplastics with fundamental water quality indicators (pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and biological oxygen demand), which may be beneficial in impeding the introduction of microplastics at sources.
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