Revista de Estudios Andaluces
Day-to-Day Mobility and Modal Changes in Low-Density Urban Areas. Case Study of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona
Ana Vera1  Anna Badia1  Àngel Cebollada1 
[1] Autonomous University of Barcelona;
关键词: daily mobility;    urban low-density;    modal change;    social groups;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The current researech deals daily mobility in urban low-density welfare society areas in order to identify pioneers in modal shift. Qualitative methodology was used; semi-structured interviews were conducted in a sample of residents in the municipality of Matadepera (Barcelona Region). The results show the prominence of the car in the daily life and the low permeability of the new mobility practices (active and shared) that similar social groups begin to practice in dense urban areas. The urban morphology and the design of a public space biased for the use of the private vehicle make difficult the modal change. Public policies are needed to make it possible to create proximity and redesign the public space to generate the conditions for modal change.

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