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The Technology of Introduction of Innovation Methods of Management of Development of the Hotel and Restaurant Enterprises on the Basis of Synergistic Approach
Davydova Oksana Yu.1 
[1]Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
关键词: methodology;    technology;    synergy;    systemogenesis;    management;    development;    innovative management of enterprises’ development;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The article is aimed at formation of technology of introduction of innovation methods of management of development of hotel and restaurant enterprises on the basis of synergetic approach. The following evolutionary stages of innovative management of enterprises’ development are proposed: preliminary (conjugation); existing (relations and bifurcation); perspective (counterdifferentiation). The technology of introduction of innovation methods of management of development of enterprises of hotel-restaurant industry on the basis of synergistic approach has been developed, confirming existence of synergism in the system of increase of activity potential, opening of new directions of innovative management of development of hotel and restaurant enterprises. The indicators of synergistic effect are determined as follows: high level of performance indicators of enterprise of hotel-restaurant industry; adequate response to changes in the external and internal environment; adaptation to predictable and unpredictable crisis phenomena; improving the quality of products and services; creation and improvement of positive image in both internal and external markets, etc.
【 授权许可】


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