Incremental Capacity Curve Peak Points-Based Regression Analysis for the State-of-Health Prediction of a Retired LiNiCoAlO2 Series/Parallel Configured Battery Pack
Jonghoon Kim1  Hyunjun Lee2  Jounghu Park2 
[1] Energy Storage and Conversion Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Korea;Power Electronics and Energy Conversion Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Soongsil University, Seoul 06978, Korea;
关键词: retired series/parallel battery pack;    recycling;    voltage imbalance;    state-of-health;    incremental capacity curve;    regression analysis;   
DOI  :  10.3390/electronics8101118
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

To recycle retired series/parallel battery packs, it is necessary to know their state-of-health (SOH) correctly. Unfortunately, voltage imbalances between the cells occur repeatedly during discharging/charging. The voltage ranges for the discharge/charge of a retired series/parallel battery pack are reduced owing to the voltage imbalances between the cells. To determine the accurate SOH of a retired series/parallel battery pack, it is necessary to calculate the total discharge capacity using fully discharging/charging tests. However, a fully discharging/charging test is impossible owing to the reduced voltage range. The SOH of a retired series/parallel battery pack with a voltage imbalance should be estimated within the reduced discharging/charging voltage range. This paper presents a regression analysis of the peak point in the incremental capacity (IC) curve from the fresh state to a 100-cycle aging state. Moreover, the SOH of the considered retired series/parallel battery pack was estimated using a regression analysis model. The error in the SOHs of the retired series/parallel battery pack and linear regression analysis model was within 1%, and hence a good accuracy is achieved.

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