Sociologie Românească
Emoţiile din perspectiva teoriei schimbului social - abordări ale relaţiei „satisfacţie-putere” în interacţiunea socială
Irina Cristescu1 
[1] ICI Bucharest;
关键词: emotions;    social exchange;    the affect theory;    social interaction;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

From the perspective of bringing emotions into social exchange the productivity of social ties within the interaction depends on the satisfaction of social actors. Satisfaction is an affective answer to a cognitive evaluation of the exchange relation, based on how "good" or "bad" the actor judges the relation to be. That's why the attention should be focused on the following aspects: 1) The variation of "social exchange-satisfaction" relation taking into consideration the base of power (reward or punishment); 2) Analyzing and explaining global emotions considering the social units (networks, groups); 3) Possible connections between specific emotions tied to social objects and the result of the attribution process.

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