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Ranking models in data envelopment analysis
关键词: Data envelopment analysis;    efficiency;    super-efficiency;    ranking;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Traditional data envelopment analysis models split decision making units into two basic groups, efficient and inefficient. They are based on solving linear optimization problems and currently they represent very popular tool for efficiency and performance evaluation. Efficiency scores of inefficient units allows their ranking but efficient units cannot be ranked directly because of their maximum efficiency score. The paper presents the most popular ranking models (Andersen and Petersen model, Tone’s SBM model and cross efficiency evaluation) and discusses their advantages and drawbacks. All presented models are illustrated on an example with academic background - evaluation of academic departments that consumes several resources (academic staff and sum of salaries) and produces outputs as direct or indirect teaching, research outputs, etc. Computational aspects of all presented models are discussed.

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