Quantile Dependence in Tourism Demand Time Series: Evidence in the Southern Italy Market
Giovanni De Luca1  Monica Rosciano1 
[1] Department of Management and Quantitative Studies, University of Naples Parthenope, 80132 Naples, Italy;
关键词: tourism demand;    time series;    quantilogram;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su12083243
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Travel and tourism is an important economic activity in most countries around the world. In 2018, international tourist arrivals grew 5% to reach the 1.4 billion mark and at the same time export earnings generated by tourism have grown to USD 1.7 trillion. The rapid growth of the tourism industry has globally attracted the interest of researchers for a long time. The literature has tried to model tourism demand to analyze the effects of different factors and predict the future behavior of the demand. Forecasting of tourism demand is crucial not only for academia but for tourism industries too, especially in line with the principles of sustainable tourism. The hospitality branch is an important part of the tourism industry and accurate passenger flow forecasting is a key link in the governance of the resources of a destination or in revenue management systems. In this context, the paper studies the interdependence of tourism demand in one of the main Italian tourist destinations, the Campania region, using a quantile-on-quantile approach between overall and specific tourism demand. Data are represented by monthly arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents in hotels and complementary accommodations from January 2008 to December 2018. The results of the analysis show that the hotel-accommodation component of the tourism demand appears to be more vulnerable than extra-hotel accommodation component to the fluctuations of the overall tourism demand and this feature is more evident for the arrivals than for nights spent. Moreover, the dependence on high quantiles suggests strategy of diversification or market segmentation to avoid overtourism phenomena and/or carrying capacity problems. Conversely, dependence on low quantiles suggests the use of push strategies to stimulate tourism demand. Finally, the results suggest that it could be very useful if the stakeholders of the tourism sector in Campania focused their attention on the collaboration theory.

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