Experimental Analysis of a Fish Guidance System for a River Water Intake
Lucian Mândrea1  Daniela-Elena Gogoașe Nistoran1  Ștefan-Mugur Simionescu1  Rareș-Andrei Chihaia2  Lucia-Andreea El-Leathey2  Gabriela Cîrciumaru2  Andreea Voina2 
[1]Faculty of Energy Engineering, University Politehnica of Bucharest, 060042 Bucharest, Romania
[2]National Institute for R&D in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA, 030138 Bucharest, Romania
关键词: bubble curtain;    fish guidance system;    water intake;    fish protection;   
DOI  :  10.3390/w14030370
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper describes the experimental study of a behavioural barrier consisting of a bubble curtain placed near an ecological river water intake, aiming to assess the bubble curtain’s influence on the velocity field of water flowing in the water intake proximity. The scientific novelty is given by the water intake solution operating in tandem with the dedicated bubble curtain generator used for avoiding fish entrapment. The water intake solution used in the present research is based on a run-of-river intake without a dam in the riverbed, maintaining the mountain rivers longitudinal connectivity. An experimental setup was designed and built to study the behavioural barrier for ecological water intakes in different operating conditions. Thus, tests were performed for two water velocities (0.33 m/s and 0.535 m/s) in the experimental setup, two water depths (92 mm and 119 mm) and two air flow rates (10.5 LPM and 15 LPM). The results were compared with the case when no air is injected through the bubble curtain generator. The assessment of the bubble curtain influence on the water flow inside the channel was made by measuring and analysing the velocity variation in vertical and horizontal direction. The results showed a significant velocity gradient in the bubble curtain proximity, which can contribute to influencing the behaviour of the fish by deterring them from the water intake area.
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