Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira
Twenty years monitoring growth dynamics of a logged tropical forest in Western Amazon
Marcus Vinicio Neves d'Oliveira1  Luis Claudio Oliveira1  Evaldo Muñoz Braz2  Mario Humberto Aravena Acuña3 
[1] Embrapa Acre;Embrapa Florestas;Universidade Federal do Acre;
关键词: Forest management;    Above-ground biomass;    Experimental plots;   
DOI  :  10.4336/2017.pfb.37.92.1398
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We performed a forest growth dynamics study in Acre State, Brazilian southwestern Amazon, where a 20 ha area was logged in 1992. The study was based permanent sample plots (1 ha) established in the logged area and in an unlogged forest immediately after logging operations finished. Forest dynamics parameters were assessed in terms of aboveground dried biomass (AGB). During the study period, three extreme climate events triggered a high impact on both logged and unlogged areas, producing AGB losses greater than those estimated for logging. Twenty years after logging, ingrowth and mortality rates were similar to those expected in an undisturbed forest, and AGB recovery was significantly faster in the logged areas. Forest management, when properly applied, can promote faster forest AGB recovery. We suggest that forest management could be considered as an alternative to adapt to extreme climate events, by promoting controlled disturbances, which should minimize tree mortality and biomass loss.

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