EIRP Proceedings
Financial Aspects of Competitiveness in the Sustainable Development of the Company
关键词: Competitiveness;    Financial crisis;    Sustainable development;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Competitiveness of firms is a most important problem and now the negative impact of financialcrisis bring in discussion was in which Romanian firms may survive on the Unique European market. Wethink that in present are necessary the following: 1. Increased competitiveness should not be regarded as aprocess of exploiting short-term advantages (e.g. low cost of labour), but as a process of building aneconomic structure based on capital investment and process R & D innovation; 2. Competitiveness incomplying with the legal community, or financial efforts in environmental protection, are significantsegments of the real economy of Romania can not integrate into the European Single Market; 3. Of the 6priorities of the NDP 2007-2013 (Competitiveness, Transport Infrastructure, Environment, HumanResources, Rural Development, regional development), the lowest financial allocation for Competitiveness(8.9% of total). Moreover, attracting European funds in the list is left behind to "graphics" originally made byRomania; 4. Now is a general series of vulnerabilities that lead to additional costs, such as uncertaintyregarding the sustainability and stability of policy options, solutions for restructuring and economicdevelopment, large uncertainties regarding the ability to translate words into concrete actions and establishpriorities in macroeconomic objectives and others.

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