Journal of Saudi Chemical Society
Synthesis and dyeing properties of new disazo disperse dyes for polyester and nylon fabrics
Ritu B. Dixit1  Ravindran S. Shiny2  Tarulata B. Shah2  Bharat C. Dixit3 
[1] Ashok and Rita Patel Institute of Integrated Study and Research in Biotechnology and Allied Sciences, New Vallabh Vidyanagar 388121, Gujarat, India;Department of Chemistry, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar 388120, Gujarat, India;Department of Chemistry, V. P. & R. P. T. P. Science College, Affiliated to Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar 388120, Gujarat, India;
关键词: Disazo dyes;    Disperse dye;    Stenhouse salt;    Furfural;    Polyester and nylon dyeing;    Fastness properties;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.jscs.2011.11.022
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Diazotized aryl amines were coupled with two stenhouse salt namely, N-(5-phenylamino-penta-4-ol-2,4-diene-1-ylidene)anilines hydrochloride [S1 (RH) or S2 (ROH)] to furnish two series of disazo disperse dyes (S1D1–10 and S2D1–10). The structure of all the dyes was established by estimating number of azo groups, elemental analysis and spectral studies (IR, 1H-NMR, UV/Visible). The structure–property relationship was discussed by using electronic absorption spectra of the dyes. These dyes were applied to polyester and nylon fabrics as disperse dyes by using temperature exhaust dyeing method. The relevant dyeing characteristics, such as dyeability on fabrics, wash-fastness and light-fastness were evaluated. Fabrics dyed with these dyes furnished generally deep and bright intense hues ranging from light yellow to orange to reddish brown. The color fastness of the dyed fabric was assessed by determining wash-fastness and light-fastness properties.

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