Efficient AoA-Based Wireless Indoor Localization for Hospital Outpatients Using Mobile Devices
Yanbin Hou1  Xiaodong Yang1  QammerH. Abbasi2 
[1] School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China;School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK;
关键词: hospital wayfinding;    indoor localization;    wireless localization;    Wi-Fi localization;    angle of arrival (AoA);    location-based services (LBS);   
DOI  :  10.3390/s18113698
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The motivation of this work is to help outpatients find their corresponding departments or clinics, thus, it needs to provide indoor positioning services with a room-level accuracy. Unlike wireless outdoor localization that is dominated by the global positioning system (GPS), wireless indoor localization is still an open issue. Many different schemes are being developed to meet the increasing demand for indoor localization services. In this paper, we investigated the AoA-based wireless indoor localization for outpatients’ wayfinding in a hospital, where Wi-Fi access points (APs) are deployed, in line, on the ceiling. The target position can be determined by a mobile device, like a smartphone, through an efficient geometric calculation with two known APs coordinates and the angles of the incident radios. All possible positions in which the target may appear have been comprehensively investigated, and the corresponding solutions were proven to be the same. Experimental results show that localization error was less than 2.5 m, about 80% of the time, which can satisfy the outpatients’ requirements for wayfinding.

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