International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Mean value first principle engine model for predicting dynamic behaviour of two-stroke marine diesel engine in various ship propulsion operations
Peter de Vos1  Congbiao Sui2  Yu Ding3  Douwe Stapersma3  Klaas Visser3  Hans Hopman3 
[1] Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands;College of Power and Energy Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China;Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands;
关键词: Two-stroke marine diesel engine mean value first principle model;    Two-zone scavenge model;    Engine dynamic performance;    Thermal loading;    1D ship propulsion system model;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Analysis of ship propulsion system performance is often performed using detailed hydrodynamic models to assess load changes, which are subsequently compared to static engine limits, or by detailed engine models that are rarely integrated with sufficiently detailed propulsion models for load change estimation. To investigate the dynamic engine (overloading) behaviour and ship propulsion performance under various heavy operating conditions, a Mean Value First Principle Parametric (MVFPP) engine model is integrated into a ship propulsion system model in this paper. An upgraded thermodynamic-based MVFPP model for two-stroke marine diesel engines is presented, in particular a newly developed MVFPP gas exchange model. Based on the integrated propulsion system model of a benchmark ocean-going chemical tanker, the engine dynamic behaviour during ship acceleration, deceleration and crash stop has been investigated. Results show that, during dynamic processes, the engine could be thermally overloaded even if the engine power trajectory is inside the static engine operating envelope. The paper contributes to finding proper indicators for thermal overloading of modern two-stroke marine diesel engines. It is demonstrated that when matching the engine with the propeller and designing the ship propulsion control system, not only the static engine operating envelope, but also the dynamic engine behaviour should be considered.

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