Revista Interdisciplinar de Direito
Cotejando a precaução e a prevenção na ótica da Defesa Civil: césio 137, um estudo de caso
关键词: Environmental damage;    risk society;    accountability;    democracy;    intersubjectivity;    Civil Defence;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The risk society has been producing development actions which sometimes lead to lack of control conditions as to the damage arising therefrom. Th e accountability process currently in eff ect, centered on damage existence, when almost nothing can be done to repair, seems to be well illustrated in the case Caesium 137, demonstrating a great inability of the professionals and risks faced due to lack of information and training of the society and Civil Defence, a challenge to be faced. Before happening the “exposure to radiation”, there should be built a system containing an accountability proper to the constitutional command that articulates, on one side, this very risk society and its interests and, on the other side, the subjective behavior required from agent.
【 授权许可】


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