Patrick Sahle1 
[1] Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing;
关键词: 17th century;    art history;    authority files;    commentary;    critical digitization;    dossiers;    early modern;    enrichment;    entity identification;    facsimile;    gnd;    indices;    rdf;    rest;   
DOI  :  10.18716/ride.a.1.5
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Sandrart.net describes itself as a 'research platform for the history of art and culture of the 17th century'. It is a digital edition of Joachim von Sandrart’s magnum opus, the 'Teutsche Academie', published between 1675 and 1680 in a German and between 1680 and 1684 in a Latin version. Facsimiles and full texts for both publications are provided as well as a bibliography and additional texts. Browse and search functionalities allow for easy access. Particular emphasis lies on commenting the text and identifying entities such as places, works of art or persons, for which extensive dossiers are provided. These kind of information can also be downloaded as raw XML and as semantic data expressed in RDF. The project undoubtedly marks the state of the art in the critically digitizing and editing 17th century prints.

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