MATEC Web of Conferences
Study on Electrical Properties of PALF Reinforced Bisphenol-A Composite
关键词: Pineapple leaf fiber;    Bisphenol-A;    Capacitance;    Resistance;    inductance;    volume resistivity;   
DOI  :  10.1051/matecconf/201814402006
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

These days, composite materials successfully substitute the traditional materials due to its various significant applications. This paper examines the influence of fiber orientation and fiber length on electrical properties of PALF reinforced Bisphenol-A composite and explores the potential of using PALF as reinforcing material for electrical applications such as terminals, connectors, motor body cover, industrial and household plugs and circuit boards. The resistance and inductance of resin material is increased by 24.19% and 24.13% respectively after reinforcement of PALF in different orientations and its value increased by 37.93% and 37.81% respectively after reinforcement of PALF in different lengths. Similarly, Capacitance and Dielectric constant of resin material decreased by 19.44% and 19.39% respectively after reinforcement of PALF in different orientations and its value decreased by 27.67% and 27.50% respectively after reinforcement of PALF in different lengths. It can be inferred from this study that the fiber orientations and fiber lengths greatly effects the electrical properties of PALF composite.

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