IEEE Access
The ProcessPAIR Method for Automated Software Process Performance Analysis
Joao Pascoal Faria1  Mushtaq Raza1 
[1] Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC), Porto, Portugal;
关键词: Process improvement;    performance analysis;    performance model;    software process;   
DOI  :  10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3013328
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

High-maturity software development processes and development environments with automated data collection can generate significant amounts of data that can be periodically analyzed to identify performance problems, determine their root causes, and devise improvement actions. However, conducting the analysis manually is challenging because of the potentially large amount of data to analyze, the effort and expertise required, and the lack of benchmarks for comparison. In this article, we present ProcessPAIR, a novel method with tool support designed to help developers analyze their performance data with higher quality and less effort. Based on performance models structured manually by process experts and calibrated automatically from the performance data of many process users, it automatically identifies and ranks performance problems and potential root causes of individual subjects, so that subsequent manual analysis for the identification of deeper causes and improvement actions can be appropriately focused. We also show how ProcessPAIR was successfully instantiated and used in software engineering education and training, helping students analyze their performance data with higher satisfaction (by 25%), better quality of analysis outcomes (by 7%), and lower effort (by 4%), as compared to a traditional approach (with reduced tool support).

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