Journal of Freshwater Ecology
Spatial heterogeneity of food web structure in a large shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Taihu, China): implications for eutrophication process and management
Changxin Zou1  Delin Xu1  Dong Liu1  Yan Wang1  Dan Wu1  Yushun Chen2  Ying Cai3  Xin Leng4  Shuqing An4 
[1] , Nanjing Institute of Environmental Science, MEE;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Science;Nanjing University;
关键词: food web;    stable isotope;    mixing model;    large shallow lake;    lake taihu;   
DOI  :  10.1080/02705060.2019.1581101
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The knowledge of food web spatial heterogeneity is important for ecologists and lake managers to understand ecosystem complexity and lake management. Lake Taihu, a large shallow eutrophic lake in China, has two distinct zones: algae- and macrophyte-dominated. In this study, we assessed the spatial heterogeneity of food webs in the two lake zones using stable isotope analysis and isotope mixing model. The basal sources and consumers showed significant differences in δ13C and δ15N ratios between the two lake zones, except for the filter-feeding fishes. Overall, more δ13C-depleted and δ15N-enriched ratios were found in the algae- than the macrophyte-dominated zones for basal sources and consumers. Although the consumers in the algae-dominant zone had higher average δ15N values, the food web of the macrophyte-dominated zone had longer food chain length and more diverse trophic linkages. These spatial differences may have resulted from resource availability and environmental stress of Lake Taihu ecosystem. Factors associated with spatial trophic heterogeneity should be considered for the management and restoration of this shallow eutrophic lake.

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