Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi | |
Crisis of Representation in Poems by Thomas Hardy | |
Nilüfer ÖZGÜR1  | |
[1] Gazi Üniversitesi.; | |
关键词: Yapısökümcülük; Derrida; Temsil Krizi; Hardy; Modernizm; | |
DOI : | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Thomas Hardy is a poet who produced most of his poetry in the Victorian age but published it largely in the twentieth century when the literary sensibility was predominantly modern. Although Hardy is not conventionally considered a Modernist poet, he shares with Modernists an element that can be referred to as the linguistic crisis by which they try to get over the sense of anxiety against the backdrop of a chaotic world and problematized language. The forerunner of Deconstructionism, Derrida, exposes a long established history of logocentric thinking, which has continually been moving between binary oppositions and Platonic dualities. Derrida simply puts forward the idea that there is no logos, no origin, and no centre of truth. The centre is always somewhere else; he identies this as a “free play of signiers.” Consequently, the anxiety of the poet with modern sensibility to nd a point of reference inevitably results in a “crisis of representation,” or, in a problematic relation between language and truth, signier and signied. This crisis can be observed in Hardy's poetry, too.
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