Synthesis, phase transformation, and morphology of hausmannite Mn3O4 nanoparticles: photocatalytic and antibacterial investigations
Malathi Challa1  Adalagere Somashekar Manjunatha1  Jagadeesha V. Angadi2  P. Mohan Kumar3  Lakshmi Narayani4  P.R. Deepthi4  Anu Sukhdev5  Mehaboob Pasha5 
[1] Corresponding author.;Department of Chemistry, MES College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Bengaluru, 560 003, India;Department of Chemistry, Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, 560 074, India;Department of Chemistry, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, 560 054, India;Material Research Centre,Presidency University, Bengaluru, 560 064, India;
关键词: Nano hausmannite;    Methods of synthesis;    Morphology;    Phase transformation;    Photocatalyst;    Antimicrobial activity;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Nano structured Hausmannite (Mn3O4) has efficacious applications in numerous fields, such as catalytic, medical, biosensors, waste water remediation, energy storage devices etc. The potential application in wastewater treatment is due to its distinct structural features combined with fascinating physicochemical properties. Another area of interest is the oxidative properties imparted due to its reduction potential. Larger surface to volume ratio and high reactivity than the bulk form shows great progress as antimicrobial agent to control drug resistant microbial population. The distinct surface morphologies, crystalline forms, reaction conditions and synthetic methods exerts significant impact on the photo catalytic and bactericidal efficiency. Hence, the present paper focuses on a concise review of the multifarious study on synthetic methods of Mn3O4, growth mechanisms, structural forms, phase transformation and phase control, shape and dimensionality. The review also confers its applications towards photo catalytic and bactericidal studies.

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