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Digital Unwrapping ed visualization of complex architectural surfaces for the documentation and the restoration
Mirco Cannella1 
[1] Dipartimento di Architettura - Università di Palermo;
关键词: unwrapping;    polygonal models;    photogrammetry;    laser scanning.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This research explains the methodology applied to the representation of the column shafts and capitals of the Temple C in the Selinunte Archaeological Site.
Using mathematical auxiliary surfaces and NURBS modelling tools, textured highly-detailed meshes, produced with photogrammetry and laser scanner 3D data, was unwrapped onto a reference plane.
The purpose of this unwrapping is to realize orthoimages that accurately describe the conic and toric surfaces of column shafts and echinus.
Methodology gives a solution to the restoration and conservation specialists offering drawings on which to detect, map and quantify in these the damaged areas on complex curved surfaces.

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