Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education Policy
DIMEL - A New Interactive System for Distant E-Learning Management
关键词: E-learnin;    E-teaching;    Distant management of training;    Interactive technology;    virtual platform;    Web-based training;    Modular system;    Continuing vocational training;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article presents the basic results of a study, dealing with the problems of e-learning and e-teaching development in the University of Sofia. A new system - DIMEL (Distant and Interactive Management of E-Learning) was implemented by the „Management of Education” training courses with adult students. The courses are part of the continuing vocational training (the qualifications upgrading) of school principals, vice principals and other managing staff in the sector of education. The system DIMEL uses an original interactive training management technology, covering the field of e-learning and e-teaching activities, via digital library logistic platform. The author performs this project research in collaboration with the University Library „St. Kliment Ohridski”.

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