Journal of Middle European Construction and Design of Cars
Knowledge Transfer from Detailed 3-D CFD Codes to System Simulation Tools – CCV Modeling in SI Engine
Tatschl Reinhard1  Poetsch Christoph1  Vítek Oldřich2  Macek Jan2 
[1] AVL LIST GmbH, Advanced Simulation Technologies, Graz, Austria;Czech Technical University in Prague, Department of Automotive, Combustion Engine and Railway Engineering, Technická 4, CZ-16607 Prague 6, Czech Republic, Tel.: +420224352507, Fax: +420224352500;
关键词: Cycle-To-Cycle Variations;    Statistical Analysis;    PDFS;    Cross-Correlation;    Knowledge Transfer;    0-D/1-D CFD;   
DOI  :  10.1515/mecdc-2016-0002
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The paper deals with CCV knowledge transfer from reference data (either experiments or 3-D CFD data) into system simulation SW tools (based on 0-D/1-D CFD). It was verified that CCV phenomenon can be modeled by means of combustion model perturbations. The proposed methodology consists of two major steps. First, individual cycle data have to be matched with the 0-D/1-D model, i.e., combustion model parameters are varied to achieve the best possible match of in-cylinder pressure traces. Second, the combustion model parameters (obtained in previous step) are statistically evaluated to obtain PDFs and cross-correlations. Then such information is imposed to the 0-D/1-D tool to mimic pressure traces CCV. Good correspondence with the reference data is achieved only if both PDFs and cross-correlations are imposed simultaneously.

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