BMC Public Health
Joint modelling of anaemia and stunting in children less than five years of age in Lesotho: a cross-sectional case study
Shaun Ramroop1  Faustin Habyarimana1  Rugiranka Tony Gaston1 
[1]School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal
关键词: Malnutrition;    Anaemia;    Correlation;    Multivariate joint model;    Children less than 5 years of age and LDHS;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12889-022-12690-3
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Background  Anaemia and stunting remain jointly a serious health issue worldwide especially in developing countries. In Lesotho, their prevalence is high, particularly among children less than 5 years of age. Objectives  The primary objective was to determine the association between anaemia and stunting, and identify factors relating to both conditions among children younger than 5 years in Lesotho. Methods  This cross-sectional study used secondary data from 3112 children collected during the 2014 Lesotho Demographic Health Survey (LDHS). Haemoglobin (Hb) levels were adjusted for altitude and a level less than 11 g per deciliters (11 g/dl) was determined as the cutoff for being anaemic. A child with the height-for-age z score (HAZ) below minus two standard deviations (SD) was considered to have stunting. We linked factors relating to anaemia and stunting using a multivariate joint model under the scope of the generalized linear mixed model (GLMM). Results The prevalence of anaemia and stunting in children younger than 5 years were 51% and 43% respectively. The multivariate results revealed a strong association between anaemia and stunting. In addition, maternal education, urban vs. rural residence, wealth index and childbirth weight significantly impacted childhood stunting or malnutrition, while having fever and/or diarrhoea was linked to anaemia. Lastly, age was shown to have a significant effect on both stunting and anaemia. Conclusion Anaemia and stunting or malnutrition showed linked longitudinal trajectories, suggesting both conditions could lead to synergetic improvements in overall child health. Demographic, socio-economic, and geographical characteristics were also important drivers of stunting and anaemia in children younger than 5 years. Thus, children living in similar resources settings as Lesotho could benefit from coordinated programs designed to address both malnutrition and anaemia.
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