Journal of Statistical Software
[download] (969)dlmap: An R Package for Mixed Model QTL and Association Analysis
关键词: interval mapping;    linear mixed models;    quantitative trait loci;    R;    association mapping;    F2;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

dlmap is a software package capable of mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) in a variety of genetic studies. Unlike most other QTL mapping packages, dlmap is built on a linear mixed model platform, and thus can simultaneously handle multiple sources of genetic and environmental variation. Furthermore, it can accommodate both experimental crosses and association mapping populations within a versatile modeling framework. The software implements a mapping algorithm with separate detection and localization stages in a user-friendly manner. It accepts data in various common formats, has a flexible modeling environment, and summarizes results both graphically and numerically.

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