Competitive Advantage Evaluation Model of Sustainable Housing Design
Pen-Kai Wang1  Shen-Guan Shih1  Yeng-Horng Perng1 
[1] Department of Architecture, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), No.43, Sec. 4, Keelung Road, Da’an Dist., Taipei City 10607, Taiwan;
关键词: competitive advantage;    analytical hierarchy process;    utility theory;    sustainable;    housing design;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su12156020
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Owing to the housing design’s booming development and fierce competition among industry players, there have been many sensational designs that have not met the requirements of sustainable living, resulting in a serious waste of resources. Therefore, finding the critical factors of sustainable housing design with competitive advantages, and establishing an effective evaluation model along with helping operators make adequate decisions is the imperative topic at present. This study aimed to develop an evaluative model of such competitive advantages focusing on sustainable housing design, with 15 evaluation factors found through literature analysis, delivering 500 questionnaires of the Analytical Hierarchy Process development for housing design customers. A total of 390 were retrieved for a response rate of 78% and 327 are valid questionnaires. The factors listed in sequence are Cost Effectiveness, Tender Reputation and Word of Mouth, Green Materials, Culture and Folk Beliefs, Energy Saving, Energy Recovery, Easy Maintenance, Service Accessibility, Optimal Housing for Preserving Health, Customer Participating Experience, Schedule Control for Design and Engineering, Regulation Compliance, Core Competencies, Identity Representation, Low Operation Cost. Utility theory was then employed to develop a customer-oriented assessment model. Finally, four case studies of housing design were examined with different locations, environments, human qualities, and budgets. The results found that the benefit of the location in a favorable environment was the highest, while the location near the river and the tomb area was the lowest. As mentioned above, the designer needs to create a solution for the influences of Culture and Folk Beliefs, as well as the uneasy maintenance problems caused by the high humidity near the river. Accordingly, there are different responses made for different conditions of houses from designers. Furthermore, the evaluation model can serve as a tool, supporting decision-making related to sustainable housing designers.

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