Cuadernos de Trabajo Social
Ethics of Social Service Organizations (part II)
Xavier Pelegrí Viaña1 
[1] Universidad de Lleida;
关键词: ética;    organizaciones;    Servicios Sociales;    profesionales;    trabajo social;   
DOI  :  10.5209/rev_CUTS.2013.v26.n2.40498
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article, by extension, was divided into two parts. The first, published in the previous issue, focused on discovering the characteristics of both welfare organizations, and ethics as applied to the organization. In this second part, we present a scheme to locate and analyse the ethical dimension in social service organizations as well as the position that, in them, correspond to the professionals take. This is intended to establish the desirability of introducing or further ethical reflection in social service organizations and provide arguments that also concerns they raised and keep the utmost honest type of behaviour, in keeping with the dignity of everyone and enabler of a good life.

【 授权许可】


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